This following pages are
a dedication to our friends and family worldwide



Janita and I have been married now over seven years and still we are madly in love

She Muttered 

She muttered "will it hurt me?"

"Of course not" answered he

"It's a very simple process,

You know you can rely on me."


She said to him "I'm frightened,

I've not had this before.

My friend has had it a few times now

She said it really made you sore."


It was growing rather painful

Tears formed in her eyes

It was hurting quite a bit now

It must have been the size.


"Calm yourself" he whispered

"His face filled with a grin

"Try and open wider

So I can get it the whole way in."


"Coming now" he whispered

"I know" she cried in bliss

Feeling it deep within her

She muttered "I am glad were doing this."


And with a final effort

She gave a frightened shout

He gripped it, in anguish

And quickly whipped it out


She lay back quite contended

Sighed and gave a smile

She said "I'm glad I came now

You made it worth my while."


Now if you read this carefully

Was the dentist you will find

And not what you imagined

It's just your filthy mind!!







Hot tub lovin m00n


The Perfect Man

The perfect man is gentle

Never cruel or mean

He boasts a beautiful smile


The perfect man likes children

And will raise them by his side

He will be a good father


The perfect man loves cooking

Vacuuming and cleaning  too

He'll do anything in his power


The perfect man is sweet

Writing poetry to your name

He's a best friend to your mother


He will never made you cry

Or hurt you in any kind of way

Oh, screw this stupid poem

The perfect man’s Gay! 



Cartoon m00n's



Here is some of the family daughter-son in law and grandson Ethan





Lisa and Dave with baby Amelia our niece

Little  Cost

How little it costs, give it a thought,
To make happy a heart each day,
Just one kind word or a tender smile,
As we go on our usual way.

A by chance  look is suffice to clear
The cloud from a neighbour's face,
And the press of a hand in sympathy,
A sorrowful tear efface,

It costs so little I wonder why,
We give it so little attention,
A smile, a kind word, a glance, or touch,
A magic better than any invention.



This is Kallianna my special friend from Athens in Greece she has a brother Constantinos her twin here he is!



You can sure tell they are twins and look!



They even lost a tooth at the same time and look carefully the teeth were exactly opposite ones


Spell Check 

Eye haft a spelling chequer

It came with my pea sea

It plainly marques four my revue

Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. 

Eye strike a key and type a word

And weight four it two say

Weather eye am wrong oar write

It shows me strait a weigh. 

As soon as any mist ache is maid

It nose bee fore two long

And eye can put the error rite

Its rare lea ever wrong. 

Eye have run this poem threw it

I am shore your pleased two no

Its letter perfect awl the weigh

My chequer tolled me sew. 

Go on then u tri it





A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum

A kiss isn't a kiss without some tongue,

So open your mouth, close your eyes,

And give your tongue some exercise!!! 



I reckon Ethan's measuring his tonsils?



"If skirts got any shorter"

Said the typist with a blush...

"There'd be two more lips to powder

And lots more hair to brush...!”


louis and ethan

Here is Ethan and Uncle Louis!


My First Time 

The sky was dark

The m00n was high

All alone just she and I 

Her hair was soft

Her eyes were blue

I knew just what she wanted to 

Her skin so soft

Her legs so fine

I ran my fingers down her spine. 

I didn't know how

But I tried my best

I  placed my hands on her breast. 

I felt the fear my fast beating heart

But slowly she spread her legs apart

And when I did it I felt no shame. 

All at once the white stuff came

At last it's finished it's all over now

My first time ever at milking a cow..... 



little tike

This picture shows why I love my grandson Ethan so much!




Ethan bit the electric man

Ethan kicked the cook

Ethan's antisocial now

(According to the book)


Ethan smashed a clock and lamp

Ethan sawed away my tree

(Destructive trends are treated

In chapters two and three)


Ethan threw his milk at mum

Ethan screamed for more

(Notes on self-assertiveness

Are found in chapter 4.)


Ethan threw his shoes and socks

Out into the rain

(Negation, that, and normal-

Disregard the strain.)


Ethan got in Granddad's room

Tore up his fishing line.

That's to gain attention

(See page 89.)


Granddad seized a slipper and

Put Ethan across his knee, but!

(Granddad hasn't read a book

Since 1963.)




Loved Ones

Friendship is a bondage

That's meant to last for life,

It may give a women a husband

And a man may find a wife,

To some the titles important

Others could not care,

Because they know the real thing...

Loved ones are always there.


Sometimes we see the world in a different light and cannot imagine how it may be in the future

Here is another addition to our family Ryan James Heald he is the latest one born 28th August 1999

Is it not a wonderful thing , 'new life'

awww babies are always cute huh?

Oh nooooo!!

He is a Manchester United supporter too.


Welcome! baby Ryan to 'm00ns world' this place is full of glee

There's lots to do for mischief, befitting you and me,

I see your very handsome so much like me, your uncle Roy,

But short lived it is, ones beauty.... (well it was for me my boy!)

But as you grow up, you'll get wiser 'or so they always said'

Just do not eat, sleep and dream those famous words...

Com'on you REDS!

Ryan at 9 months Tongue point the way!

Microchip Module

I fell in love with a microchip module

She only measures one centimeter square,

I fell in love with a microchip module

Covered in plastic skin and no body hair.

I walk down Maine Street folk cannot understand

Why I call in a bar with a microchip in my hand,

But I am in love with my microchip module

And she loves me...we're the best of friends.

If ever I've a problem it's solved without a care

I just program her body and a solution it is there,

That's why! I fell in love with a microchip module

Her capability is beyond compare.

After being with a woman my friends all brag!

They pull my leg and call me a drag!

Because I'm the only bloke they've known

Who prefers a microchip when he's alone.

But... tell me lad's how would you score

With a rapid calculation in a four second War?

That bomb would come faster than you could withdraw!

We wouldn't be seeing either of you anymore.

You've no chance of a rent free furnished tomb

As that mushroom ball explodes with a boom!

But me! In love with this microchip friend of mine

We calculated to stay till the end of time,

And you? Well less than ashes, spread on the ground

Then a friend like mine, you wished to have found,

But it was I who fell in love with a microchip module

And she only measures a centimeter square.

I fell in love with that microchip module prime!

And we will be together till the end of time

Yes...we will be together till the end of time.




Who is she?

Who is the fair maiden?

Whose buried in her tasks,

That lady amongst ladies

Does no one ever ask?

Cleaning, painting, washing!

Surely you must agree,

She never stops doing chores

Who is she?

The lady toils from dawn to dusk

Usually never to be done,

Always there when needed

Sharing all worries by one,

A woman! A real woman?

Who is this maiden toiling everyday

Who is she?
No matter what your world may bring

Be it happiness or tear,

The fair maiden at her best

Always present without fear,

Within my blood I know her, I'm sure

Who is she?

Fair maiden in all our lives

Whom shares all are woes,

I pray forever and always

Never must you go!

For God made you a Saint

And...there can never be another

That's Gods way of thanking you!

And why he named you...



"Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid. "believe me I know!"


Subtle thoughts paint pictures

Deep within the mind,

Some of which are hurtful

Others which are kind,

Some thoughts are all happy

Others...oh! So sad,

Many came from others

For which you wish you had,

'My thoughts' for me are private

'My thoughts ' for me are true,

'My thoughts ' true and fulfilling

Are always thoughts of You!...


Remember the Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.


roy and ethan

The little tike melts ya!



Tell Tale Eyes

Tell tale eyes, like blue skies

Tell us truth and never lies,

Like touching skin

Where have you been,

Makes quivering body sighs.

Smiling lips and hair quips

Enter into my life

These feelings are a distant cry

They tell me truth but never lies.

Constant pulses etched my heart

Love so pure sincere from start

Tempting thought within my mind

Tell tale eyes you are so kind

These words flow like champagne

Marrying to a crystal glass

A bouquet of scented blossom

Forever embedded made to last

Tell tale eyes scrutinize

Scientists agree

Instant sincerity is born

And of course it's free.

Tell tale eyes like blue skies

Telling truth and never lies

Thank you Lord for all your part

In making eyes that melt my heart


Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.



New Tracksuit

I've bought a brand new tracksuit

I wear it everyday,

It keeps me cool and casual

I wore it yesterday.

I've got a brand new tracksuit

I wore it yesterday,

Track me down the training ground

Maybe I'll be there.

Wearing my brand new tracksuit

With medicine ball to boot,

Knee pads and an airline bag

With an overall smell of Brut...

Expert eyes will scrutinize

Even scientists will agree,

One tracksuit will suffice

But I'm better off with three.

I bought one two toned nylon,

Yellow stripes with navy blue,

I've got a brand new tracksuit...

I've got the old one too...


Our Life

Our life can be traumatic

Our life can be a bore,

But when they day is almost done

We all ask God for more

Life may not be fantastic

Life may not be all play

But when our minds get troubled

Why do some take their life away?


'If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?'



I went round a straight crooked corner

To see a dead donkey die!,

I took out my sword and shot it

And sent it bowlegged in one eye.


Written and compiled by
The man 'mOOn'©

Please remember, the content of this site called m00ns World®
is copyright to Roy Nixon and is not available for copy in part or whole
without prior consent. the logo ...m00n...© has copyright too..

Please! offer your thought of my site in order for me to improve it

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