The 'computer made it possible for you to read my stuff..
How come you got this far and still not had enough?

he he

Remember too! never cross the highway when a little man's flashing!

Donkey story

An old man, a boy & a donkey were going to town.

 The boy rode on the donkey & the old man walked.

 As they went along they passed some people who remarked

 it was a shame the old man was walking & the boy was riding.

The man & boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.

Later, they passed some people that remarked,

 "What a shame, he makes that little boy walk."

They then decided they both would walk!

Soon they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride.

 So, they both rode the donkey.

Now they passed some people that shamed them by saying how awful to put such a load on a poor donkey.

The boy & man said they were probably right, so they decide to carry the donkey.

 As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the animal & he fell into the river and drowned.

The moral of the story ?

If you try to please everyone, you might as well...

Kiss your ass goodbye!



God gifted us to feel emotions such as Happiness, Sadness, Fun and FEAR!


Each day I awake to the morning sun

That signals my day begins

My anticipation of its content

Is hearing skylarks as they sing.

But these day pass by so rapid

And is soon to reach an end

All I love, gone! so quickly

Whilst chatting real true friends.

Pussy cats a howl night-time creeps!

I'm put to bed to witness sleep

It's at this time I shed a tear

For darkness is my Inner fear.



Me and the Austin Mini Cooper. S. 1967


Within these four walls that surround me, my life it ticks away,

have not the time for living nor have I time to play.

From dawn till dusk I slave away as I tend the daily chores,

My body weak from mind rejected...bored!.

Through sickness and pain I still have the work, my life is one routine,

The real world floats by without me, full of wonders I have never seen.

I wish, I wish for once I wish that I may,

For within these four walls that surround me my life just ticks away.

How I look! How I feel there seems no importance to care

For my role in this society is just always to be there.

Fetching, carrying, simply a machine of labour working finger to the bone,

Never for one to realize how much that I'm alone.

Within these four walls that surround me, with life a speeding past,

I ask for some forgiveness for not taking my life in a grasp.

So when losing myself in boredom I pledge...that I will pray,

For all those imprisoned like me Their four walls will crumble....decay!.


Sun and m00n

Patiently I waited for the Sun to meet with mOOn

I watched with trepidation! will it happen soon?

The sun slipped west and disappeared into a distant land

And mOOn searched south intently not what he had planned...

mOOn sat and pondered why? How could they ever miss?

The rise of mOOn, a setting with sun, never are they to kiss!

Today's dream has now been shattered, but will rise again tomorrow!

Old mOOn trusted sun within it's light but now is deep in sorrow!


  'The Prima Donna'

Should my eyes never be afforded the privilege of your beauty

I will allow my mind to wander into the eternal chasm of truth.

To view the pictures of great wisdom forged by the trust in dream,

This will allow me the fruit of life the excitement having seen the eternal you.

A fixation of your features piercing my mind leaves picturesque images

For you are artistic and can turn sadness into hope where destiny spills

Nurturing the best from within people who live life near to your soul.

Giving warmth of human joy to all whenever, wherever, all at will.

Purity, deep within your eyes shine like uncut diamonds

Leering one closer to sample you odour of sweetness

Hair of abundance curling with the wind of heaven to boot

Flows in the air like a cloud seeking a friend for completeness.

Your christened by name like the worlds greatest elements

To show infinitive desire to succeed where others fail

Your presence is loud by the nature of god's desire

Other persons succumb, their wisdom frail.

I see you a success story worthy of worldly acclaim

For outgoing wisdom is a true winner domain,

You are 'Prima Donna' and very envious I am

born number one woman, and I, a far away man.


1981 and the Ford Escort RS 2000 was another classic car


Happy and Sad Days

Happy days go flying past!

I wonder why they never last?

Out at play when at our peak

Make faces glow cheek to cheek.

Happy faces smile for me

Joy and laughter's good you see

Good days soon they travel past

It's funny how they never last!

Unhappy days they are prolonged

How strange it is they last so long,

Solemn faces, tearful eyes

On unhappy days that's no surprise.

Sadly some faces have no smile to be

From sorrowful mood that's bad you see!

It's terrible how they last so long!


Hydroplane.jpg (15629 bytes)

Hydroplane racing at Wells next the Sea


I've been sat here for ages

Pondering over word's to say,

And what my mind portrays?

I managed words like 'wonderful'

'Stupendous' even the word 'Sublime,'

None of which were suitable

For I couldn't make any of them rhyme!

Now I've stopped my searching and thinking

So I will go for the final blow!

I'll use a word we all understand,

Even the uneducated know!

To show your different from any other,

'Indescribable,' I won't pretend

And how I'm very proud to know you

So I'll simply call you "Friend"...


Euro Finalist Trophy

From the 1969 European Auto test Championships in Innsbruck Austria
I came back with a runner up
Finalists Trophy


I want to be a pilot and fly up in a plane,

I want to be an engine driver, of a high speed train,

I want to be a fireman, to go dowse a blaze,

I want to be a designer and start a fashion craze,

I want to be a comedian, to make people smile,

I want...I want...that's all grown ups ever say!

I reckon I will stay a three- year old

And have more time to play.


Why does America sterilize their needles before for lethal injections? he he

Help The Fighting Cease!

Why do we live in a world at war?

Why cannot people live in peace?

Why do humans live by greed?

Will the fighting ever cease?

Helpless children and doting mums

Made vulnerable by the fights,

Dodging shrapnel and snipers by day

Stressed by man made thunder at night.

Men of all colour and creed

Compete for power world-wide

Wrongly interpret peace for wealth

Not caring for those inside

Innocent faces blackened with dust

Grimace in fear amongst waste,

Want of expression cry for help

To quieten this horrific place..

Please! Someone stop this world at war!

Please! Help us live in peace!

Please! Live for love not greed!

Please! Help the fighting cease!


Sign of the Times

It's a sign of modern times when all of us decry!

The morals of our upbringing I often wonder why?

Government officio's tell all is better than it was, of course!

But...we folk have no money to live, perhaps that is because...

Because their word expanded, though no one noticed when,

It's meaning moved to 'infinite', and then moved back again.

To hide politicians 'cock ups' casting blame on common folk,

Then to call an election to prove it, Wow! how we are a joke!

We poll the votes on colour passed on from our dads,

He was such a caring guy, yet now it seems so sad.

He worked as a teenager, thirteen to be precise,

Deprived of education Hmm...not very nice.

Yes today we all know better! Read and write we can,

Yes! we are more literate better of a man.

My dad he was not clever that's what we were always told,

But dad was good and honest each word he spoke was bold.

True to his word of ignorance, he predicted a world in crime,

Full of braying politicians...Yes! But... 'it's just a sign of the times.'



hmmm! motors nor passion here. is how we got here though.


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