mntoon in USA
depicting the month that the United States of America was
Taken by storm...

September 30th 1999
Moon and his beautiful wife Janita arrive..

At Sanford Airport Florida

chaos, disorder, mayhem..
.he, he, my work has just begun...


A husband, tired of his wife asking him how she looks,
buys her a full length mirror. This does little to help,
as now she just stands in front of the mirror, looking at
herself, asking him how she looks.
One day, fresh out of the shower, she is yet again in
front of the mirror, now complaining that her breasts
are too small. Uncharacteristically, the husband comes up
with a suggestion. "If you want your breasts to grow, then
every day take a piece of toilet paper, and rub it between
your breasts for a few seconds."
Willing to try anything, the wife fetches a piece of
toilet paper, and stands in front of the mirror, rubbing
it between her breasts.
"How long will this take?" she asks. "They'll grow larger
over a period of years," he replies.
The wife stops. "Why do you think rubbing a piece of
toilet paper between my breasts every day will make my
breasts grow over the years?"
The husband shrugs. "Why not, it worked for your ass,
didn't it?"

 He lived, and, with a great deal of therapy, he might even
walk again

love m00n xx

Then the trip some 1000 miles to Atlanta and on to Memphis m00n meets Andy and Sparkle

Oops! sorry this is a the wrong picture of two men
but it symbolizes the weird and wonderful
street scenes in this strange land he, he.

Sparkle showed us not all Americans ride horses????
here is

An uplifting story for female intelligence ...

Once upon a time, a beautiful, independent, self-assured
princess came across a frog in a pond. The frog said to the princess,
"I was once a handsome prince until an evil witch put a spell on me.
One kiss from you and I will turn back into a prince and then we
can marry, move into the castle with my mom, and you can
prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children and forever feel happy
doing so."
That night, as the princess dined on frog legs in garlic butter, she
laughed to herself and thought, "I don't flaming think so.

anotherm00nystorey he.. he..

My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.

Our friend Jenny eating my favourite 'corn dogs'

in the mall in Memphis

during the stay in Arkansas, typical Usa emerged

A typical Street in Jonesboro Arkansas.

Shopping without Wall mart not in Usa you don't..



Guess What I Am

This is a useful tool, commonly found in the range of 8 inches long
The functioning of which is enjoyed by members of both sexes.
Always found hung! dangling loosely ready for instant action.
It boast a clump of hairs at one end and likes a hole at the other,
When we use it, it is inserted almost always so... willingly!!!
Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly into the moist opening.
When we thrust it deep inside and draw it outward in, out, in, out
Often quickly and accompanied by squirming bodily movements.
Anyone found listening will recognise the rhythmic pulsing sounds,
Resulting from the well lubricated movements when we finally withdraw.
There left behind we recognise the sticky froth that ouses from within you
Some which needs wiping from the glistening shaft as well as the opening.
After all is done and the flowing cleansing liquid has ceased emantiating
It is returned to its free drooping position in recovery ready for next time
Always it needs rest to build itself in great readiness for the next session
It is usual for the orgasmic action to be fulfilled  at least twice daily...
It is not good for us to neglect loving nor caring...What am I ???


e-mail me your answer ok

Dining out at a Mc.......


Rumours would have it here a Jonesboro resident was struck by a rampant
English mad man. Becoming the recipient of a lingering smacker!!!!!
Lipstick evidence was apparent

Below m00n and Andy visit potlickers club...
best side forward men...


Jonesboro Arkansas is Usa's poorest state financially. The people there are some of the worlds finest, The hospitality they show is wonderful and second to none.
The President is also from the state too!!! (I know its true) look........

the above picture is displayed as it was photographed


Typical female conversation I picked up in Usa took many formats he, he
such as..

Don't ask him what he's thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss
such topics as navel lint, the shotgun formation, and monster trucks.
ha, ha, ha!


Body painting is also a big thing is the States too!!

Cool huh! well it was without the maple!
£1000 or $1600 bets you cannot guess who it is?

The next stage of the epic journey was a move north east toward NewYork

This is the view approaching New Jersey at 25000 ft

And this is Newark

You may ask what would anyone visit Newark for ....

Well here can be found one of the most colourful and funny men in Usa
Mr Joe Finger
an ex marine and New York taxi cab driver who now lives with his wife Penni
and they are soon to be parents.

Hey m00n! you keep yer Brit hands off me cookies ok!
they have special ingredients that make us Marines tough..


So Joe here is a good traditional English cake recipe
Is this how you did it Joe?
read below he he!

Banana Cake?

2 Laughing Eyes
2 Loving Arms
2 Well Shaped Legs
2 Firm Milk Containers
1 Fur Lined Bowl
1 Firm Banana


1. Look into laughing eyes
2. Spread well shaped legs (slowly!)
3. Squeeze & massage milk containers very gently
until fur lined
bowl is well greased (check with middle fingers)
4. Add firm banana
5. Gently wax in & out until well creamed
6. As heat rises, plunge firm banana deep into lined bowl
7. Cover with nuts
8. Sigh with relief & leave to soak for 10 minutes
9. Cake is done when banana is soft
10. Be sure to wash mixing utensils when done

(licking the bowl clean is not advised if not done within 30 min)

bet you like it



Penni and Joe in love sailing off Manhattan

Hoping m00n falls in before the FBI realize who he is


Hey dude read this advice ok all prospective parents should...

This is for the NEW Mommy and Daddy


 Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. Now rub your hands in the wet flower bed and rub on the
walls. Cover the stains with crayons. Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there a month or two.


Obtain a 55 gallon box of Lego. (If Lego is not available, you may substitute roofing tacks or broken
bottles.) Have a friend spread them all over the house. Put on a blindfold. Try to walk to the bathroom or
kitchen. Do not scream (this could wake a child at night).


 Borrow one or two small animals (goats are best) and take them with you as you shop at the grocery
store. Always keep them in sight and pay for anything they eat or damage.


Obtain one large, unhappy, live octopus. Stuff into a small net bag making sure that all arms stay inside.


 Obtain a large plastic milk jug. Fill halfway with water. Suspend from the ceiling with a stout cord. Start
the jug swinging. Try to insert spoonfuls of soggy cereal (such as Fruit Loops or Cheerios) into the mouth
of the jug while pretending to be an airplane. Now dump the contents of the jug on the floor.


 Prepare by obtaining a small cloth bag and fill it with 8 to 12 pounds of sand. Soak it
thoroughly in water. At 8:00 PM begin to waltz and hum with the bag until 9:00 PM. Lay down your bag
and set your alarm for 10:00 PM. Get up, pick up your bag, and sing every song you have ever heard.
Make up about a dozen more and sing these too until 4:00 AM. Set alarm for 5:00 AM. Get up and make
breakfast. Keep this up for 5 years. Look cheerful.


Obtain a large bean-bag chair and attach it to the front of your clothes. Leave it there for 9 months. Now
remove 10% of the beans.


 Go to the nearest drug store. Set your wallet on the counter. Ask the clerk to help himself. Now proceed
to the nearest food store. Go to the head office and arrange for your paycheque to be directly deposited to
the store. Purchase a newspaper. Go home and read it quietly for the last time.


 Find a couple who already have a small child. Lecture them on how they can improve their discipline,
patience, tolerance, toilet training, and child's table manners. Suggest the many ways they can improve.
Emphasize to them that they should never allow their children to run riot. Or enjoy this experience. It will
be the last time you will have all the answers.


m00nbeams may not be shining in a while huh loll


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