

Grows Old!

In life may you live as long as you want to;
And may you to want to as long as you live
When you want to, wake me please!
If I'm awake and don't want to, make me please!.

Now that I met ya, I'm glad that I let' ya,
Now that I let' ya, I bet' ya, again I let' ya.
I'd bet every time I meet' ya.. I'll let' ya I bet 'ya

Cheer's... this is the drink that created fire,
Cheer's... this is the drink that created desire.
No not the kind that burns hearts and shanties,
But the one burns down your skimpy wee panties.

Cheer's to the gorgeous girl in the little red shoes,
She drinks my all my wine, she drinks my booze.
She has no glace cherry but that's not her sin,
But she does have the box with 'my' cherry within.

Cheer's to the girl dressed in all sexy black,
She's dressed up so fine, and nothing is slack.
Her body looks fine and her kisses are sweet,
Making parts of me stand, that's got no feet.

Cheer's to an evening, of sweet worded prose,
Tummy to tummy and toes to toes,
Then after a few hours of such Turkish delight,
It's fanny and Willie for the rest of the night.

But I soon grew old..,
My tummy got stout, my legs are all jelly
My partner can only sit and watch tell'y
I lost all my vigour... I lost all my clout
Now my sex appeal... is a waterspout.

It used to be so difficult to make it behave,
For every morning it stood to 'watch me shave'.
But now I got older all I get is the blues,
It just hangs downward to watch me tie shoes.


What happens to the hole... when the cheese is all gone?

Me Boss

I think my boss is a wanker though he wears an expensive suit.
A ugly man with secrets, and a beard on chin to boot!.
He pretends his tower's ivory, but it's really made of brick.
He plays at being a real tycoon, but he makes everybody sick.
He loves to talk about himself, what he did, said, and wants.
His boring little outings, sleazy thoughts, and secret haunts.
I reckon he's an asshole his life is naught but cock and bull
I think he ought to take lessons about how to be happy, not dull
One day he will come to realize his wealth comes from you and me
So his attitude and knowledge, is second to the best you see
But should there be in a situation needing me to save his skin,
I'll draw up the next contract of hell, then inform his next-of-kin.


Take note a busy poet has no time for breaks?

Thank you! God

It was nice of God to make me a nice little boy,
he made me from a ball of string,

And when he found he had some left,
he made me my, 'little thing'.

It was even nicer when he made little girls
although made them from the finest lace,

Thankfully he ran out of the of stuff,
And left a little space.

he he!


From my lowly position in life I see clearly GREAT things

Those on the highest peaks only see blurred images

Men eh!

Men live life hard
Men live life easy
Making women insecure
And feel quite queasy
Men are significant
In raising a ruckus!
So that may be why
All women want to...

Touch us?


Dicky Dildo

Now 'Dickey Dildo' was a hampton
snuggled up within his pouch
should he ever get his hair caught
it would surely make him shout,

He can dingle or can dangle
even raise is head
at other times he's dormant
or may spit at folk instead,

But Dicky was disappointing
you could not sell him for a song
that's the reason for redundancy
co's he's only half inch long!


John and Fanny Craddock

My name is Fanny Craddock
I'm employed as a tv cook
Some folk say I'm useless
But I know I'm good for luck!

My husband his name is Johnny
His jokes bring tears to your eyes
You should see him mix his batter
And then watch his pudding rise!

He's quite a tv personality
That everyone likes to see
But when it comes to bedtime
He saves the 'T' bone just for me...


Untold Story Of You

I'd like to tell you this story that shows your colours true
About your stupid mannerisms that's quite unique to you,
You take life at such a rapid pace it makes my complexion pale
Rigamortice soon set in that's why you got named 'snail',

It's nothing to do with the food you eat, nor your state of mind
It's all because of the slimy trail your body leaves behind,
I've heard you called a genius but I reckon that's a farce
Just because you break Brazil nuts with the cheeks of yer' bloody arse!

All you say and all you do gives everyone the bloody pips...
That's the result of using a bull worker to exercise your lips,
Even your deodorant is poor... but natural smelling though
The fragrance I recognize as natural smelling, never washed B.O.!

What about your yellow smile it's the worst that any bodies seen
Since the day that you were born they've never had a clean,
Even your lack of physique makes people take a second look
A perfect walking advertisement for a Biafran cooking book.

Picking you nostrils in harmony is a new habit you've now got
We all thought it gooseberry yogurt... but it's 'snott',
You have no inspiration have certainly no panache
Especially when it's your bar round you never heard of cash,

Your absolutely brain dead...I reckon you must be split in parts
Everything you attempt has ended before you even make a start
Infinite failure...and you... thought you were hard
I reckon your best use is as a chocolate fireguard,

I enjoyed passing these compliments, as I'm sure you can see
By the way did you get that nose just because air is free?
Never mind it does not matter those are' born with' as we know well
That's why I had no option... for this story I had to tell...


Below!see the evolution of man he! he!


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